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What people are Saying

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“Bill is exceptionally gifted…It seemed that everyone erased years...looking so much younger and so much more relaxed and at peace than before the session. The shift happening for each person was actually physically visible. His intuition and his channeling are finely tuned and extremely accurate. The energy in the room was both intense and peacefully supportive of each of us. I feel blessed to have shared this phenomenal experience with Bill. The personal healing I received was deep and pure. The effects are long term and have impacted my life on many levels in many arenas. Bill offers an important service and is skilled in handling extremely personal situations in a group setting with great discretion.” - Cindy W.


"I was surprised when Bill Sanda’s Akashic Records Clearing was not about content but Bill diving straight into the heart of the issue healing what needed to be healed from times long ago. At first, I felt very good after the Clearing, then by mid-week, I wondered if anything really had happened. By the next weekend, I understood that doors that I had never imagined possible were being opened and a profound gift was being offered. Thank you, Bill!" - Carol M.


“A SHIFT has occurred. I no longer feel prisoner, hostage, to bombarding obsessive thoughts from the past. This healing has enabled me to move forward with a sense of FREEDOM. I feel relieved and really anticipating wonderful experiences and new opportunities within my growth.” - MaryElla


"What can I say about Bill Sanda……well I’d say that I can’t say enough. Bill came into my life at a very pivotal time. My life and that of my children had abruptly been turned upside down and it looked like we just weren’t going to be able to pull out of the trauma. I have two teenage children, one was imploding and the other was exploding, and I was just sinking into an abyss. Bill’s work with my family unit showed immediate results. We all began showing signs of coming out of it, coming up to the Light. Very clearly after each session, there were very obvious signs of Bill’s amazing work….Several months have gone by and I can truly say that we are all different people than we were when we began our work with Bill. Now we all have bright futures and the capacity to engage in our lives instead of just existing and letting life happen around us. So what can I say about Bill Sanda….completely selfless; his work….amazing and life-changing." - Debra S


"It was unbelievably incredible! The most amazing thing I've ever witnessed and experienced. It is a game-changer for me…during the process I had epiphanies and also received confirmation about my truths. I could "feel" the caring, the nurturing, and the absolute bliss. You do God's work on Earth! At one moment, I even saw myself talking to God " mean you're in here? inside my heart?" IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!...” - Elena


"I’ve never experienced anything like it. I can tell you it has been life-changing. I feel like I can really engage the world now, not just watch it from the sidelines. The old fear and the behaviors that stemmed from fear, which kept me from moving forward in my life, have been transformed. Now I can be in this world and know that I matter and that what I do matters. No matter how big or small, my part in this life counts… I actually have the capacity to accept love, not just give it. I'm understanding my worth and living free of fear which held me back for so long. I feel like I'm experiencing my true self for the first time and it feels great!" - Debra

Disclaimer: The information on this website is for informational purposes only, to provide knowledge of various health topics. The purpose of this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek advice from your qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regime.

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